An Aussie Phantom Phan and comic collector by the name of Jason Frazer has created a unique comic book storage device. Although I have not seen the storage device, Jason assures me that not only does it maintain ideal environmental conditions for comic storage (airtight, no light exposure, comics kept flat), it is also attractive in appearance so that your comics can take pride of place on your bookshelves, and your comics will also be readily accessible. Jason is very serious about his project, having applied for a patent on his design, registered as an Australian business (Unmasked Frontiers, ABN 25 294 513 993), and sought government assistance to help get started. As part of this process, Jason needs to gather some market information to properly assess the potential for his business. I believe that this product will be of great interest to Phantom comic collectors, so I agreed to host Jason's market research survey on The Deep Woods. Please take a few minutes to complete his questionnaire. Neither your name or contact details are requested, so your anonymity is assured. All questions are optional, so please do not answer anything you feel uncomfortable with.
Thanks for your time. Once you've clicked the "Send Form" button, your answers will be sent directly to Unmasked Frontiers for the purpose of market research. For further information on this project, contact