Frew #1441
by the photocopier
(this edition is the 1469th actually printed)

Release Date: 24 Mar 2006

  • Pages: 36
  • Price: $2.50 inc. GST
  • Cover: the photocopier

Fantomen Nr.5/2006
by Felmang & Rudy Walk

  • Diana's Crisis Pt.5: Night of the Phantoms
    • Script: Tony De Paul
    • Art: Felmang & Usam
    • First published in Fantomen Nr.5/2006 by Egmont, Scandinavia. Original cover shown on the left, thanks to Ulf Granberg.

  • Message from the Publisher:
    At long last, the conclusion of the Diana Disappears series!
    All Phantom enthusiasts understand the stresses involved in being The Phantom's wife and I think most of you will have sympathy with Diana. And - just as much sympathy for The Ghost Who Walks! All the last 20 Phantoms have grown up knowing they must uphold tradition and devote their lives to stamping out injustice. Read on. I know you will enjoy the climax of this adventure!
    In our next edition (Frew #1442, on sale 7 April) we will all be taking a wild ride! Forget the recent glut of reality programmes on television - the next story, Death in Cyberspace makes everything you may have seen on the box, kindergarten fare! Death in Cyberspace will take you and The Phantom into mysterious new worlds - and battles against powerful forces. Written and illustrated by Hans Lindahl, Death in Cyberspace is one of the most unusual adventures in years. And scary beyond belief! Obviously enough, the story is woven around a science fantasy theme and that alone makes it fascinating. When Lee Falk was alive, he only occasionally moved around the edges of such plots and then in a gentle manner. Lindahl's new offering is not only full on, but crammed with some of the most incredible images ever to appear in a Frew Phantom presentation. I guarantee you will be unable to put down the story! And ... when you do, I'll also guarantee you will be in a hurry to read it again! It's that sort of adventure!
    Egmont, the Scandinavian publishers of The Phantom, have released a number of science fiction and science fantasy stories before Death in Cyberspace, but none so unusual and artistically spectacular as the forthcoming offering. There can be no argument that the special effects created by Hans Lindahl are the most brilliant in his long and colourful career.
    Now - even more exciting news! Our special 70th Birthday Issue and accompanying Lee Falk Tribute lift-out, which went on sale on February 17th, sold out almost instantly in most Australian centres. The demand was helped along by full-page stories published in the Brisbane Courier-Mail, the Sydney Daily Telegraph and the Melbourne Sunday Herald Sun newspapers. Websites all over the world asked permission to use excerpts and we lost count of the number of Australian radio stations which requested interviews. Not surprisingly, the item which most intrigued enthusiasts was the revelation that Lee Falk was born Leon Harrison Gross and changed his name in his early twenties. To the best of my knowledge, that's the first time the truth has been revealed in any comics publication. I'm now only sorry I didn't have more space to expand on a number of other interesting things I discovered about Lee - and also sorry I didn't write more about his half-brother Leslie. Leslie, the son of Lee's mother's second marriage, was a highly qualified doctor and later, medical professor, who devoted most of his career to research and was one of a team which developed penicillin. His achievements were many and he was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy in medical science by Oxford University (England) and his numerous professional memberships included the American Public Health Association, the American Association for the History of Medicine and the National Medical Association. And Lee and Leslie each thought the other led the more fascinating life!

Jim Shepherd

Future issues planned as of 17th March 2006 (subject to change without notice):

Check the New@Egmont and The Missing Semic Stories pages for details of other upcoming stories.

My thanks to the staff of Frew Publications for providing this information.

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Bryan Shedden /
Last updated 21 March 2006