The Deep Woods web-site is produced and maintained by Bryan Shedden.The Phantom and all associated characters © 2002 King Features Syndicate, Inc. TM The Hearst Corporation.
All illustrations and Phantom comic strips © 2002 King Features Syndicate, Inc. TM The Hearst Corporation.
Additional elements © 2002 King Features Syndicate, Inc. / Paramount Pictures Corporation, Frew Publications Pty Ltd, Egmont Serieforlaget, Mallon Publishing Pty Ltd.
Compilation, design and text of The Deep Woods web-site © 2002 Bryan Shedden.
Site launched on April 28, 1996 in Australia by Bryan Shedden, Albion Park, NSW.The Deep Woods web-site is operated on a non-profit basis and does not usurp the rights of King Features Syndicate or other copyright holders.
No part of The Deep Woods web-site may be reproduced, stored in a retreival system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of Bryan Shedden. Printing and electronic storage of this web-site is permitted for personal use only. Those wishing to re-publish content from this site must contact Bryan Shedden to seek permission.
Acknowledgement is made to Frew Publications, Egmont Serieforlaget, Moonstone Books, Aman King, Andreas Eriksson, Barry Stubbersfield, Bob Griffin, Bob Jenson, Brian Jensen, Carl Braga, Chris Smith, Colin Williams, David Budds, Denzil Jones, Dietmar Lederwasch, Ed Rhoades, Eli Eshed, Emile Lavigne, Fred Palumbo, Hans Kiesl, Hans Lindahl, Henrique Ruiz Poyatos Neto, Joe Gentile, John Henderson, Jon Cookson, Jonas Vesterlund, Kari Elkelä, Kari Leppänen, Krishna Curam, Mal & Marg Gould, Michael Jaatinen, Paul McCall, Peter Scott, Phil Johnston, Rafa Avilés Rodríguez, Rick Norwood, Roger Stitson, Romano Felmang, Rusty Rafferty, Sérgio Takara, Stephen Baggs, Tony Raiola, Ulf Granberg, Vineeth Abraham, ... and countless others. My apologies to those whom I've forgotten to include here.