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The Deep Woods Newsletter
1 Oct 2007
- Having spent more than 11 years building and maintaining the Deep Woods website, I have finally decided to call it a day.
Frankly, I have not enjoyed reading Phantom comics (new ones especially) for at least the last few years. I've tried to steer the various publishers in directions that I would prefer to see followed, but things have gotten worse if anything. Many of the new stories in recent years have been appallingly bad and in most cases I regret having wasted time in reading them. The art is great, but the scripts ... the most important element ... do not do justice to the legacy of Lee Falk. So rather than continue to "promote" something I don't enjoy, I have decided to call it quits and leave it to those who DO enjoy what's being published. I will continue to keep The Deep Woods website alive while I can, so that users may continue to make use of the various lists and information. However, I will not be doing any more updates or additions.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who helped me with the website over the years, and to all the people with whom friendships developed via their interest in the site. I gratefully thank King Features, Frew Publications, Egmont Publications and Moonstone Books for their efforts to satisfy the demands of Phantom Phans, and hope they are successful in maintaining and growing their readership.
To those who wish to continue to be informed about the latest in Phantom comics, I recommend Chronicle Chamber. I will now return to focussing on enjoying life with my family, friends and other hobbies.
2 Jun 2007
- Sorry for the accessibility problems that have plagued the site during the last month. My webhost has recently set-up new datacenters, which meant my site was relocated to a new server starting in early May. The process was far from a smooth one, involving several replacements of new servers and even a basement explosion! This was not helped by a complete lack of live technical support (it was still there but the contact address and method had changed without me realising it!). It appears the end of the road is almost in sight, but please understand if there are some more hick-ups. The good news is that the new server appears to be providing much faster access than the old one.
17 Mar 2007
- Update: Reference Guides (3rd Edition Price Guide), Moonstone Books (cover scans and details for issues #15, Annual #1, Man Eaters).
28 Jan 2007
- Update: Links, Fanclubs-Australia, Fanclubs-USA, Moonstone Books (cover scans and details for issues #12, #13 and #14).
- The New@Moonstone page has been removed and I will no longer provide reviews of their "Phantom" comics. This has become necessary since I am no longer buying them as soon as they are published. They're not worth the effort or expense anyway. However I will continue to update the Moonstone Books webpage with cover scans and details as I eventually get around to it.
2 Dec 2006
- Update: Phantom Diaries
3 Nov 2006
- Update: Wolf Phantom Comics
9 Sep 2006
- Addition: Classic Comics & Crosswords
31 Oct 2006
- Recent Updates: Moonstone, daily strips, Sunday strips, The Missing Semic Stories, Team Fantomen Stories (F101-F200), Team Fantomen Stories (F201-F300), Team Fantomen Stories (F401-F500)
25 Apr 2006
- Addition: Frew's Replica Editions
- Update: FAQ
17 Apr 2006
- In keeping with the Easter theme, the Phantom Phorum has been resurrected at The Phorum is now managed by Daniel Carter and is completely independent of The Deep Woods. I have no intention of being an active participant in the Phantom Phorum for the foreseeable future.
- Updates: New@Moonstone, Moonstone Books, Links, Indrajal
7 Apr 2006
- After persisting with it for 3.5 years, I have decided to remove the Phantom Phorum since it has proven to be more trouble than it's worth. The chat room has also been removed due to a lack of utilisation. Several other on-line forums are now available for those who're interested in pursuing such things elsewhere. I will take this opportunity to devote more time to continually building the Deep Woods website.
30 Mar 2006
- Addition: History of The Phantom in Australian Newspapers (work in progress)
18 Mar 2006
- Update: The Phantom in Australia, The Australian Woman's Mirror, The Australian Woman's Mirror Phantom Comics, Everybody's Magazine
8 Mar 2006
- Update: Frew Chronology 2003+, Team Fantomen Stories (F201-F300), Team Fantomen Stories (F301-F400), The Missing Semic Stories
24 Feb 2006
- Update: Moonstone Books, Super Yank Comics (two new scans), daily strips, Sunday strips
5 Feb 2006
- Update: Paul Ryan (updated covers and stories), Reference Books.
3 Feb 2006
- Addition: Frew in 2005: The Year in Review
- Update: Frew Chronology, Fantomen Chronology.
14 Jan 2006
23 Oct 2005
- Updates (minor): Frew Back Issues, Newspaper List, FAQ, Links, Site Map.
13 Aug 2005
- Update: Moonstone Books, daily strips, Sunday strips.
29 June 2005
- Update: Moonstone Books.
15 June 2005
- Recent minor updates: Moonstone Books, Missing Semic Stories, Wolf Publishing, daily strips, Sunday strips.
12 February 2005
- Addition: Moonstone Books (details of all previous Phantom issues on one page)
5 February 2005
- Updates: new details for many Italian stories that were reprinted in Fantomen now added to Fantomen Chronology: 1960-1969, Fantomen Chronology: 1970-1979, Christmas Albums
28 January 2005
- Additions: Friends of The Phantom Presents: Talking with Paul Ryan (This is the first of a new series of special columns written by Ed Rhoades from Friends of The Phantom)
8 January 2005
- The chat room now uses a more stable program (phpMyChat) that should make it more usable. Please give it a try!
- Updates: daily and Sunday story lists
1 January 2005
- Updates: Frew Chronology 2004
- Addition: Frew in 2004: The Year in Review, Guestmap.
17 December 2004
- Updates: About Me, The Phantom in Sweden, Christmas Albums, Team Fantomen Creators, Team Fantomen Stories (701-741), Fantomen Index (2000-2004), Fantomen Krönika, Sy Barry Albums, Fantomen Yearbooks, Various One-shots.
- Addition: De Bästa Äventyren
9 December 2004
- Addition: Phantom Skins
7 November 2004
- Update: The Phantom Diaries, The Phantom in Newspapers (Europe & India)
23 October 2004
3 July 2004
- Updates: Frew Chronology (added 2004 issues), Comic Stores (updated details for Comics Etc).
26 April 2004
- Addition: Dai Darell biography and story index.
- Updates: L.Miller & Son (including the last missing cover scan thanks to Les Gray!), British Annuals, FAQ, The Phantom in Newspapers, Charlton Comics story index, Team Fantomen creators, Links.
4 April 2004
- Updates: added source details for the Falk story remakes in Team Fantomen Stories, Fantomen 1960s, Fantomen 1970s, Özcan Eralp (3 stories missing from the index were also added). Added a new section "The Phantom has many names" and some info on Mrs Palmer to Did You Know? Some more data added to the Rani Comics page. Several new scans added to Super Yank Comics.
27 March 2004
- Addition: Donne Avenell biography and story index
- Updates: Team Fantomen Creators, Fantomen Christmas Albums, Other Swedish Phantom Comics, Özcan Eralp, The Phantom in Newspapers.
2 March 2004
- Addition: The New@FREW page now includes an archive of the last year's worth of issues. Access back issues by clicking on the arrow buttons at the top of the page.
20 February 2004
- Update: Phantom Diaries
1 February 2004
- Addition: I will be trialing a Chat Room over the next month. Provided that the chat room doesn't lead to excessive traffic on the site, I'll keep it here for everyone to use.
13 January 2004
- Update: New@Moonstone
10 January 2004
- Addition: Frew in 2003: The Year in Review.
- Update: Missing Semic Stories.
8 January 2004
- Updates: Alan Class & Co Ltd, Newspapers List.
27 December 2003
20 December 2003
16 December 2003
- Addition: Özcan Eralp biography and story index
- Updates: King Comics index, Fantomen Krönika index
23 November 2003
- I've been away on business and holidays since 1 October, and now that I've returned, you can preview the last three Frew Phantom comics, and the last two Fantomet comics using the following links: Frew #1370, Frew #1369, Frew #1368, Fantomet Nr.23/2003, Fantomet Nr.22/2003. Please note that these links will only be available for a week or two, until the next issues are published.
- Update: the daily story index has been updated with revised appearance dates for the stories Return to Tarakimo and Jungle City. Frew published the strips from 11-16 Sep 1978 as part of Jungle City (Frew #1230) but they are clearly an epilogue to the story Return to Tarakimo (Frew #1000). My thanks to Jostein Hansen for this correction.
1 October 2003
- Updates: Ben Raab index.
21 September 2003
- Additions: Rani Comics, Egmont India - The Adventures of the Ghost Who Walks
- Updates: The Phantom In India, Egmont India - Comic Series, Egmont India - Action Adventure Series, Indrajal Comics (4 cover scans of old comics from 1964-1967).
13 September 2003
- Updates: The Phantom Phorum has been upgraded to new software. Unfortunately this means all existing users must re-register on the new Phorum. Click here to enter the new Phorum. The posts on the old Phorum can still be accessed from this link (zipped Microsoft Excel 2000 format file).
30 August 2003
- Updates: The Phantom Hyperlinks Collection has been given a complete overhaul. Only a select list is now provided and all links have been tested.
12 July 2003
- Updates: Frew issue numbers have been added to the lists of Team Fantomen Stories, a few more cover scans have been added to The Phantom in Sweden, and the Team Fantomen Creators list had a few small corrections.
6 July 2003
- Additions: The Phantom in Sweden, Early History, Christmas Albums, History of Fantomen Magazine, Fantomen Chronology ( 1950-59, 1960-69, 1970-79, 1980-89, 1990-99, 2000+), Pocket Book Series, Avon Novel Reprints, Samlade Serierariteter - De Bästa Serierna, Fantomen Krönika, Fantomen - Den Vandrande Vålnaden, Sy Barry Albums, Fantomen Yearbooks, Various One-shots, Other Publications, Team Fantomen Creators, Team Fantomen Stories ( 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 501-600, 601-700, 701+), Fantomen legender.
- Updates: Missing Semic Stories, Site Map, Reference Guide, Phantom Phorum Introduction, Fanclubs - Scandinavia, Links - Phans.
21 June 2003
- Additions: Phantom Phorum Introduction
16 June 2003
- Additions: Steven E. de Souza Talks Phantom
14 June 2003
- Additions: Keswick Island Guest House
27 May 2003
- Additions: Phantom Spezial (from Germany)
- Updates: Moonstone Trade Paperback, The Phantom in Germany, Semic-Phantom, Topix, Phantom Pocket Books - Series 2, Giant Size, Phantom Phan Links.
18 May 2003
- Updates: The Phantom in Denmark, Ace Comics, King Comics, Bastei Comics, Pacific Comics Club, TV Tornado, Pioneer Comics, Reprint List, daily strips, Sunday strips.
10 May 2003
3 May 2003
- Update: Indrajal Comics (added a scan of Indrajal #1 from March 1964), Phan Links, Phantom 2040 Links.
7 April 2003
- Update: Kari Leppänen index
29 March 2003
- Update: The Phantom in Newspapers (specifically the Scandinavia, North America, India, and Europe lists)
8 March 2003
- Update: Frew Publishing Chronology, The Missing Semic Stories, The Phantom in Brazil - Miscellaneous Comics
1 February 2003
- Update: Phantom Poll 2002 has been updated with the winners names and the final results.
1 February 2003
- Update: Some new information about a 1954 series of English comic books that included The Phantom, by Miller & Son.
26 January 2003
- Addition: Frew in 2002: The Year in Review, The Missing Semic Stories
- Update: Phantom Diaries (added 2003 Diary), Super Yank Comics (2 new cover scans), Frew Back Issues (those available from Frew).
7 January 2003
- Update: Phantom daily & Sunday indexes, Frew Reprint List.
23 December 2001
- Announcing The Phantom Poll 2002. Here is your chance to enter three competitions and be in the running to win three great prizes. Simply select your favourite Frew Phantom comic story, Frew Phantom cover, and Egmont Fantomen cover. Entries close 31 January 2003. Click here to enter.
19 December 2002
- Addition: Masterworks II
- Update: Indrajal Phantom comics from India -- some corrections made thanks to Noah Nelson. The issue numbers affected are #147, #188, #341, #342, #381, #670.
2 November 2002
- Update: Cover scan of issue #11 for the Miller Phantom comics from England. Only one scan is now missing .... issue #9. Can anyone out there help with this?
12 October 2002
- Additions: Moonstone's The Treasures of Bangalla preview.
8 October 2002
- Addition: answers to some of the ultimate Phantom brain-benders can be found in a new page called Did You Know?. Much of this information has been extracted from various Frew Phantom comics and will be expanded over time.
- Update: Frew Reprint Schedule
6 October 2002
- Updates: Phantom daily & Sunday indexes, Mandrake daily & Sunday indexes, Giant Size Phantom Comics (finally the cover gallery is complete!), FAQ, The Phantom in Newspapers (specifically the Australasia, North America, India, and Europe lists).
21 September 2002
- Update: Frew Chronology 1998+, FAQ, The Phantom in Newspapers.
13 September 2002
- Addition: I've had many requests to provide a bulletin board on The Deep Woods website, where Phans can discuss various Phantom topics and pose questions needing answers. Finally I've done something about it! Check out the new Phantom Phorum.
7 September 2002
- Addition: A detailed history of The Phantom's appearances in India's Diamond Comics Digest.
- Updates: About Me.
3 September 2002
4 August 2002
- Updates: Frew Reprint Schedule, daily story index.
14 July 2002
4 July 2002
- The Deep Woods was recently migrated to a new server which means that some of the old features are currently not working properly eg. search engine, form submission on Newspapers. These features will be fixed within the next week if all goes to plan. On the plus side, I now have access to a new and better mailing list program which means that The Deep Woods Newsletter is even easier to use. Those who were subscribed to the old newsletter have already been added to the new one and assigned a random password. If you want to change your settings, use your subscribed email address to log into this page and get the password sent to you.
- Additions: Moonstone's The Singh Web preview.
25 April 2002
- A new page on the Action Adventure Series of glossy Phantom books by Egmont Imagination India is now available.
- Updates: Phantom Wallpaper, The Phantom in India, Egmont Imagination India - Comic Series, FAQ, The Phantom in Newspapers, daily & Sunday story indexes, and the homepage.
14 April 2002
- Updates: Frew Chronology 1998+, Frew Reprint Schedule, Frew in 2001: The Year in Review, Hans Lindahl Index.
6 April 2002
- Updates: Egmont Imagination India Ltd., daily strip index.
4 April 2002
- Updates: daily strip index, The Phantom in the USA, Feature Books, Gold Key / King / Charlton Phantom comics, Gold Key index, King index, Charlton index.
17 March 2002
- Updates: The Phantom in India section has had a major update to the Indrajal Comics page. Now includes a complete index of all Phantom stories in this series. Also updated the Site Map.
14 March 2002
- With the recent launch of the new Phantom series by Moonstone, I've started a new page called New@Moonstone which will preview each new edition as it is published. A link to this page has been added to the homepage immediately below the New@Frew and New@Egmont pages.
12 March 2002
- I've been on holidays for the last three weeks, so there's a backlog of updates today: New@Frew, Previous New@Frew, Frew #1315, New@Egmont, Previous New@Egmont, daily & Sunday story lists.
12 February 2002
- Ben Raab is an American comic book writer who was introduced to The Phantom community in 1999 via Egmont's Fantomen comic. He has since had 8 Phantom stories published by Egmont, reprinted in English by Frew. Now Ben has linked up with Moonstone Books who are due to release the first volume of a quarterly series of high quality Phantom books in February 2002. I recently caught up with Ben in an email interview, in which he discussed his background in comics, his experiences with The Phantom at Egmont, and the new Phantom series from Moonstone. Preview images from upcoming volumes of Moonstone's Phantom books were kindly provided by editor Joe Gentile. Check out the Ben Raab Interview.
10 February 2002
- Updates: The Phantom in Newspapers (lots of updates for the Sweden list), Frequently Asked Questions, Mandrake Dailies.
3 February 2002
- The winners and results of The Phantom Poll 2001 are announced today.
- The latest Phantom Generations Print from 99.94 Editions has been released. This one is by Australian artist, Frantz Kantor.
- Phantom comic prices from Comic Quest have been increased for the first time in about 4 years.
31 January 2002
- A complete publishing guide to The Phantom in Brazil is now available thanks to the extraordinary efforts of Sérgio Takara.
- Fantomet Nr.25/2001 has finally arrived in the mail and I've belatedly posted the preview.
7 January 2002
- Updates: Frew Publishing Chronology (1998+); Frew Reprint Schedule; Frew in 2001 - The Year in Review; Who's Guran?; Copyright Info.
- The Fantomet Nr.25/2001 preview will be posted at a later date (mail delays).
30 December 2001
- Updates: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ); The Phantom in Newspapers (with special thanks to Andreas Eriksson and Kari Elkelä)
27 December 2001
- Addition: Frew in 2001 - The Year in Review
- Update: Frew Reprint List
24 December 2001
- Announcing The Phantom Poll 2001. Here is your chance to enter three competitions and be in the running to win three great prizes. Simply select your favourite Frew Phantom comic story, Frew Phantom cover, and Egmont Fantomen cover. Entries close 31 January 2002. Click here to enter.
12 December 2001
- Updates: Frew Phantom Chronology has been updated with issues from #1309 to #1312; several minor updates to Phantom daily and Sunday newspaper strip lists.
27 October 2001
- Updates: Frew Phantom Chronology has been updated with issues from #1293 to #1309.
21 September 2001
- Updates: Added about 50 new entries to the Phantom Newspapers List thanks mostly to the extraordinary efforts of Andreas Eriksson; plus a couple new scans on the TV Tornado page.
26 August 2001
- Updates: TV Tornado, Deep Woods Search.
23 August 2001
- A new service called The Deep Woods Newsletter has been launched. Now you can automatically receive email notification of updates and additions to this website. All you need do is subscribe according to the instructions given on this page.
19 August 2001
- Updates (including some new and rescanned covers): Super Yank Comics, Phantom Diaries, Australia, New Zealand, TV Tornado, US Reprints, Bastei, Germany, Mandrake Sundays, Mandrake dailies.
18 August 2001
- Updates: The preview of Fantomet Nr.13 / 2001 is now available. Sorry it's so late - it got lost in the mail for two months! The Phantom newspaper lists have been updated, and Giant Size Phantom Comics includes another new cover scan (#4) thanks to Brandon Mitchell (only one more to go!).
10 August 2001
- Updates: Giant Size Phantom Comics includes a new cover scan (#21) thanks to Will Dorrington (only 2 more to go!); the Mandrake Sundays List has the latest new story details.
7 August 2001
- Update: Phantom Comics in Israel includes some new cover scans thanks to the ongoing efforts of Eli Eshed. Also updated the Phantom Phan Links.
4 August 2001
- Update: Indrajal Phantom Comics has been updated with numerous corrections provided by an Indian Phantom Phan by the name of Denzil Jones.
29 July 2001
- A new page detailing the history of Frew's unnumbered and "A Series" Phantom comics.
- The Phantom Fonts & Icons are now available for Windows users thanks to the efforts of Alan Sargent.
- Recent updates: Indian Express Phantom Comics, Phantom daily and Sunday newspaper strip lists, Mandrake daily and Sunday newspaper strip lists, Frew Subscriptions & Back Issues, Frew Reprint Schedule, Manuscript Press, Phantom Newspaper Lists, Mailing Lists for Phantom Fans.
20 May 2001
- Thanks to the contributions of various Phantom Phans, the newspaper lists have been expanded: Australasia, Scandinavia, USA, Asia. Still a long way to go before the lists will be anywhere near complete, so please fill out the form if you have anything to add.
13 May 2001
- The Mandrake daily and Sunday story indexes have had a major update thanks to new contributions from Kari Elkelä (Finland), Einar Johnskås (Sweden), Arthur Lortie (USA), Emile Schwarz (France), and Jon Preddle (New Zealand).
- Other recent updates: Phantom Phan Links, FAQ, King Phantom Comics index, Frew Phantom Chronology, The Phantom daily and Sunday story indexes, Indian Express Phantom Comics.
23 April 2001
- Additions: The New@Egmont page continues to focus on the latest Phantom comics from Norway, but now also includes cover scans for the Swedish and Finnish editions, Fantomen and Mustanaamio. My ongoing thanks to Brian Jensen and Kari Elkelä for their help with providing these scans.
14 April 2001
- Additions: The Phantom in Newspapers - King Features Syndicate often make the claim that The Phantom is syndicated in "over 500 newspapers worldwide." Even so, it never ceases to amaze me how regularly I receive emails from people who cannot find a newspaper in their region that carries The Phantom. With this in mind, I've started to compile a list of newspapers that publish The Phantom daily and Sunday strips ... starting with Australia.
30 March 2001
- Additions: Since I've been on holidays for the last two weeks, there's a bit of a backlog of New@Frew pages. You can view the pages from here: #1286, #1287, #1288. For those who view these pages in a few weeks from now, please note that these links for #1287 and #1288 only take you to the current and previous issue.
17 February 2001
- Additions: I just discovered that my webhost (Digital Zones) provides a search engine for their customers. With over 50Mb of stuff to access on about 200 individual webpages, The Deep Woods now benefits from it's own search facility which is accessible from the homepage. I've removed the hitcounter to make room, since I no longer make use of it.
8 February 2001
- Additions: the start of a regularly updated page New@Egmont, focussing on the latest Phantom comics from Norway. My sincere thanks to Kjell Steen for his help with getting this page going. We start with the first two issues of 2001 (check the Previous Issue link at the bottom of the New@Egmont page).
30 January 2001
- Additions: the publishing guide for The Phantom in India has been expanded, with details on the latest issues from Indian Express Egmont Publications, plus stacks of cover scans from the Indrajal series. I'm still building the pages for Diamond Comics, so stay tuned.
13 January 2001
- Additions: a new Phantom wallpaper is now available. This one is a true rarity -- the very first Phantom Sunday page from American newspapers, in glorious full colour.
- Updates: Phan Links, Frew Chronology.
31 December 2000
- New pages: Frew in 2000: The Year in Review, and Frew Reprint Schedule
- Updates to the Frew Chronology, daily and Sunday story indexes.
24 November 2000
- Information and previews for the Masterworks miniprints due for Christmas release by 99.94 Editions.
- Updated the Phantom daily strip index page.
- The missing scan of Fantomen Nr.22/2000 is now available for those who want it. For the next couple weeks you can access the page for Frew #1277 on the Previous Issue page
15 November 2000
- Updated the Fan Clubs - Scandinavia and Phantom Phan Links pages.
5 November 2000
- Updated the Frew Chronology and the Specials section of the Frew Subscriptions and Back Issues page.
16 October 2000
- The Deep Woods now has it's own Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. This is aimed at answering the types of questions I'm often asked via email.
12 October 2000
- The Deep Woods has moved from to Finally a domain name that is easy to remember and will never change as long as I continue to renew the registration. Please update your bookmarks and website links because the old site will soon disappear.
- Also, after four and a half years with Ozemail ISP, The Deep Woods has outgrown the space available so it is now hosted by Digital Zones. I have a new email address to go with it (, and I'm the process of fixing all the email links throughout the site. Please do not send mail to my old address ( because I will soon be cancelling the account to avoid paying monthly fees.
9 September 2000
- With profuse thanks to Jim Shepherd, Kari Elkelä (Finland), Kjell Steen (Norway), and Sérgio Takara (Brazil), I'm now delighted to provide an "almost" complete set of daily and Sunday newspaper story lists for Mandrake the Magician. Your help with completing the lists would be appreciated -- please send corrections to
I wasn't sure where on this site to put these lists, but for now they reside in the Phantom Reference Guide. In the long run, I hope to create a Mandrake Reference Guide with information about various Mandrake comics published in different parts of the world.
2 September2000
- The Prince Valiant Connection
- Updates to: daily and Sunday newspaper story lists, links collection, and the Frew Chronology.
12 August 2000
- Not much to add lately since I've been flat out keeping up with all the Phantom News.
- Updates to: daily and Sunday newspaper story lists, Deerfield Costumes, Ace Comics, and Frew Subscription Competition with a list of winners and the official answers.
1 July 2000
- Updated the info about 99.94 Editions and their latest Phantom print in the series by Fred Fredericks.
- The page about Deerfield Pty Ltd now includes graphics of their adult and child size Phantom costumes.
17 June 2000
- Information about a competition being run by Frew Publications is posted HERE.
- A new page promoting the Phantom costumes produced by Deerfield.
- An excellent fictional article entitled Purple Reign: Legend of the Affirmative Action Hero has been added. It was written by Ethan Roberts for Model and Toy Collector, Fall 1996 #36, pp.30-36.
- Updates to the Official Links and Phantom Phans Links pages.
21 May 2000
- Added cover scans for the four new Phantom reprint books from Pacific Comics Club.
- Updates to the listing of Australian Comic Book stores.
- Updated the hit stats graphs: weekly and cumulative.
5 May 2000
- Revisions have been made to Fanclubs in the USA and the Lee Falk biography.
- A new cover scan is now available in The Phantom in Israel.
15 April 2000
- Re-designed the Homepage for The Deep Woods. Note also the new copyright information.
- Updated the information about 99.94 Editions and the Fred Fredericks painting which has been produced for this project.
19 February 2000
- Updated the Frew Phantom Chronology: 1998+.
3 February 2000
- Frew in 1999: The Year in Review
- Updates to the Hans Lindahl and Romano Felmang indexes.
28 January 2000
- A preview of the latest Phantom print from 99.94 Editions is now available. This new print, released December 1999, was painted by Rosemary Valadon.
17 January 2000
3 January 2000
- Information about Deep Woods Estate, including tasting notes for their wines, is now available in the Phantom Reference Guide.
5 December 1999
- The Phantom Publishing History in the USA has been treated to a fairly hefty review with all pages affected. New pages have been created for Pioneer Books, Pacific Comics Club (including details of their four new books), and Comics Revue. Cover scans of the Defenders of the Earth comics from Marvel have been added.
18 November 1999
- Another missing cover scan of the Giantsize Phantom Comics has been added (#7), thanks to Chris Hoare. Surfing Phantom ... who would have thought it possible?! Only three more covers to go (#4, #9, #21).
4 November 1999
30 October 1999
- Updates to the Phantom Phans Links and Official/Commercial Links, Kari Leppänen Index, and Phantom in Israel pages.
4 October 1999
- Phantom Publication Guides are now available for Germany and Israel. My sincere thanks to Hans Kiesl and Eli Eshed for their help with this research.
27 September 1999
- Updated the Hans Lindahl page, thanks to some input from Gustaf Lööv. Check out this page on Gustaf's site for some more samples of Lindahl's work.
31 August 1999
- Updates to the following pages: Frew Back Issues (thanks to Ruth Le Brun!), Frew Chronology 1998+, daily strip index, and Sunday strip index. A few minor changes to Frew Chronology 1988-1992 and Frew Chronology 1993-1997.
- It must be noted that the details for various comic book shops in the Frew Back Issues section were valid three years ago when I wrote it ... and a lot has changed since then. I am in the process of thoroughly reviewing the list.
29 August 1999
- Brian Jensen recently sent me a huge list of Phantom web-sites, several of which were missing from my lists. These have been added to the Phantom Hyperlinks Collection, notably on the Phantom Phans page.
- With the release of the 2000 Phantom Diary in the last week, I've updated the corresponding page.
12 August 1999
- A cover scan for issue #18 of the Miller Phantom comics has been added, thanks to the help of Jon Cookson. Can anyone help supply the last four missing covers (#5, #9, #11, #13)?
7 August 1999
- Updated the historical information about Frew Publications. I'm still not entirely happy with it, and aim to review it more thoroughly sometime in the near future.
- Updated the Frew Chronology for the issues released over the last month or so.
1 August 1999
- Several new scans of the English Phantom comics published by L.Miller & Son have been added, and the corresponding text revised. Can anyone help supply the last five missing covers (#5, #9, #11, #13, #18)?
- Two more cover scans of the Giantsize Phantom Comics have been added, thanks to Dietmar Lederwasch. Only four covers are now missing from the set (#4, #7, #9, #21) -- can anyone supply these?
5 June 1999
- The Frew Chronology has been treated to a (long overdue) complete overhaul. You will find it now includes writer and artist credits for ALL stories, and the original Fantomen issue numbers for all Semic/Egmont stories reprinted by Frew. I'd like to acknowledge several people who helped with this research: Ivan Pederson, Peter Scott, and Brian Jensen. I hope that you find the chronology useful.
30 May 1999
- Updates to the following pages: Daily Strip Index, Giant Size Phantom Comics (another scan added thanks to David Budds).
22 May 1999
- Updates to the following pages: Romano Felmang Index, Hans Lindahl Index, Frew Chronology 1998+.
18 April 1999
- Bob Jenson has created two exclusive wallpaper images for access from this web-site. Check them out on the Phantom Wallpaper page.
- Short biographies and indexes of all Phantom stories created by Hans Lindahl and Kari Leppänen.
13 April 1999
- A cover scan of issue 8 of the Giantsize Phantom Comics has been added, thanks to Chris Smith.
28 March 1999
- A complete index of The Phantom comics published by King and Charlton is now available, in addition to a revised description of this whole series.
20 March 1999
- Finally found time to update the Frew Chronology. I still want to thoroughly revise it, but for now I've added the last 9 months of Frew issues.
- Updated information on the series of Phantom prints being produced by 99.94 Editions. Watch out for a full colour ad in an upcoming Frew issue.
15 March 1999
- Updated the Lee Falk biography following his death on 13 March. May he rest in peace.
29th January 1999
1996-1998 |